A Million Tiny Glitches

An electronic musical.

This is a world where death exists. Loss is hard. Grief is like a river. It's powerful and you can't hold it back.

This is the story of a woman who goes looking for her friend – a friend who has vanished inside a city of his own imagination. Both have lost someone they love and it's cracked the landscape of their lives. A Million Tiny Glitches is a weird and emotional dream quest through those fractures.

A Million Tiny Glitches has grown from our personal experiences of grief over the last few years – vivid and mysterious; you feel it in your heart and your gut. We believe songs can hold emotion very directly, so we thought we'd make a musical that goes deep and feels modern; that embraces sadness without being sombre. Something that's influenced by Björk and ANOHNI, Haruki Murakami and China Miéville. And yeah, there'll be a band.”

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R&D Company
Story / Directed by Tanuja Amarasuriya
Story / Words / Music by Timothy X Atack
Movement Direction by Coral Messam
Musician collaborator Elena Pena
Performed by Kayla Meikle, Simon Mokhele, Zoe West, Timothy X Atack (Ferment Festival, 2017); Madeline Shann (Pulse Festival, 2018)


Produced by MAYK. Seed commissioned by the New Wolsey Theatre and Bristol Old Vic Ferment. Financially supported by Arts Council England. Thanks also to Ovalhouse London and Trinity Arts Bristol. Developed in residence at The Brunswick Club and at Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio.


I was naked, smelling of rain

