Some of the People

Some of the People takes the form of a State of the Nation speech by a major politician. They take their place at the podium and address the auditorium.

Some of the People takes the form of a State of the Nation speech by a major politician. They take their place at the podium and address the auditorium.

This is a politician who has come to power at the helm of an uncompromisingly populist agenda. And who whilst in power, grows a conscience.

As the speech progresses, both the text and the staging begin to feel more uncertain, unpredictable, abstract even… to the point of hopeful? Maybe.

Some of the People is a scripted theatre show with a branching narrative. It is performed by an actor sight-reading via an autocue. Throughout the text, they are invited to choose options (as in an interactive game) that will customise the speech.

Some of the People starts from the proposition that we do all make choices, even when we don’t like our options, or feel like we have no option. It questions the notion that “we have no choice because that’s the way the world works.” It explores the responsibilities and power we have, both to create and offer choices, and to make them.

The title references a quote which is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, but which has no clear provenance and is equally often credited to the Showman PT Barnum: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Some of the People comes out of Sleepdogs ongoing exploration into how we live with difference, and in particular: what is the value in changing one’s mind?


We are currently seeking commissioning, co-producing, and presenting opportunities for Some of the People. For more information please email

Photo by Tyler Callahan on Unsplash.


Red Sky at Night

