Emergent Value research project – Invitation to join an audience advisory group 

We’re partnering with The Emergent Value research project at Bath Spa University to help find out why, and how, live arts events (such as theatre or music performances) are meaningful to people. To do this, we’re calling out for participants to join five paid online sessions where you’ll discuss your experiences at live arts events and with arts evaluation. Audience experiences are often difficult to capture for researchers and arts organisations. This project aims to explore how we might use alternative and creative approaches to reflection, conversations and evaluation to capture more of the reasons that arts experiences have meaning for those taking part. 

What does it involve?

Being part of the project will involve taking part in 5 small group discussion sessions on Zoom between February 2024 and August 2025, to talk about your experiences, reflection, and evaluation preferences. You will also get project updates, have the opportunity to contribute to the direction of the project, and take part in the testing of ideas on how best to capture and understand arts experiences. You'll be paid £20 an hour for your time and all sessions will take place on Zoom.

Where do I find more information and sign up?

You can find more information, and details on how to sign up, here. The form will stay open until 5pm Wednesday 31 January and you will be contacted by 7 February to let you know if you have a place. We'd particularly like to hear from people whose voices are less represented within arts evaluations and we will ensure all sessions are accessible to enable full participation. Please share this invitation with anyone else you think would be interested!

For the audience advisory group we are looking for people that don't work in the arts or cultural sector. If you are interested in the project and do work in the arts and cultural sector, please complete this short form and you will be sent periodic updates about the project as well as any opportunities for getting involved.

If you have any questions about the project, please contact Dr Astrid Breel on EmergentValue@bathspa.ac.uk.


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